Posts with category - Personal

Companionship of the Qur’an

“Without doubt, whenever you sit with someone and are with him, you will take on his disposition. On whom have you been gazing that tightness should have come into you? If you look at green herbs and flowers, freshness will come. The sitting companion pulls you into his own world. That is why reciting the Koran purifies the heart, for you remember the prophets and their states. The form of the prophets comes together in your spirit and becomes its sitting companion.” – Shams-i-Tabrizi

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The Resplendent Heart in Solitude

Only in isolation does the yearning get unraveled
Secrecy of night is the sanctuary unparalleled
Close your eyes and thoughts from empty, earthly clutter
Revel in blissful calmness of your gentle heart’s murmur
Gaze up and free your inner eye to grasp His Raining Mercy
And bow your ego down before His Great and Stunning Mastery
The heartbreak you keep hidden from all the world to see
Is the same place that He pours His Resplendent Light and Beauty

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Everything Important to Me

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“In Love” with the Divine is Unexplainable

Divine Love is unexplainable
A mystery so incredible.
The foolish describe it aimlessly
While the wise feel it inherently.

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Selfless Love

Your rejection of me…
does not reject my du’as for your happiness.
Your indifference to me…
does not negate my yearn for your wellness.
Your path away from me…
does not hinder my path of love for you.

For my love is selfless.

I love you with no desire for a return.
I care for you without reciprocated concern.
My tears call out for your success that is endless
I think about you despite your lack of awareness.
For your moments of joy are my ecstatic bliss.

Your passion for knowledge brings warmth to my soul
Your love of poetry flows through the blood of my bones
Your sincere longing for God is the ultimate goal
That has permeated my being and rendered me whole.

This poem is not about a specific person, it is expressing the sentiment and state of selfless love.  A lot of people may interpret this poem to mean that the writer has just been “rejected” from a lover, however that is not the case. I like to step into the shoes of other people, and try to understand how they may feel.  There are also many levels and dimensions of rejection.  A person may feel rejected by a child, a teacher, a community, an ideology, or a religious institution.  The last couple of lines indicate that the only thing worth taking out of the “rejector” is its yearning for God.  And it is this yearning for God, a separate entity from the rejector itself, that has made the writer feel whole.  The rejector itself cannot make the writer feel whole.

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Culture of the Spirit

Do not call me “Guyanese” or “West Indian”. These terms are alien to me.

I associate myself with nothing less than the environment of Tasawwuf (the science of ihsan, inward purification) and all of its strivers, the religion of Oneness: One God, One Love, One Ummah; the Religion of Love and Mercy. I feel at home with the lovers of intellectual progress under the teachings of Ibn al Arabi. I feel at peace with the lovers of poetic and religious mastery under the teachings of Mawlana Rumi. My soul is at harmony with the lovers of outward discipline and inward excellence under the teachings of Imam al Haddad. My heart is satisfied in the company of the lovers of Imam al Ghazali, the Reviver of the Spiritual and Intellectual dimension of Islam in his century and beyond. I feel at bliss in the company of the lovers of our beloved teacher and final Messenger of the Creator to mankind, and all of his prophetic predecessors (Jesus, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Adam and more) and his inheritors. Peace be upon them all.

This is my family. This is my home. This is my love. This is my passion.

Let us look beyond the outward shells of culture, class, and color, and revel in the unity of the human spirit.

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The Real Gain in Female Companionship

Excerpt from Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s “Climbing Mount Purgatorio: Reflections from the Seventh Cornice”:

The spiritual power of women is great, but so too is the power of their physical attraction to men. It is this power that causes vile men to want to dominate women, and virtuous men to honor and protect them. But that physical power of the female form over men is a sensory power that veils men from her metaphysical meaning. Her sensual form prevents the man lost in carnality from knowing her spiritual reality, that she is the source of mercy in the world. The Arabic and Hebrew word for womb (rahm) is derived from the word for mercy (rahma) and an expression of the creative power of God in man. In degrading woman, we degrade the highest qualities of our human nature; in elevating her, we elevate our highest nature. When her natural virtues—compassion, kindness, caring, selflessness, and love—predominate in men, men are able to overcome their natural vices and realize their full humanity. When, however, those virtues are absent, men descend to the lowest of the low and are worse than beasts. In unveiling the outward beauty of a woman, we become veiled from her inward beauty.

As a poet from the distant past wrote:

I said to my rose-cheeked lovely, “O you with bud-like mouth,
Why keep hiding your face, like flirting girls?”
She laughed and said, “Unlike the beauties of your world,
In the veil I’m seen, but without it I’m hidden.”

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Listen to the Voice of Your Heart

The greatest advice I can give anyone is to not take advice from anyone. Listen to the voice of your heart, the voice that is uncontaminated by the ego. You will many times need advice to find the right voice, but once you do, listen to your heart.

Shaykh Nuh Keller said, “Do not let the opinions of people interfere with the directions given to you from God.”

Shaykh ibn Ata’illah said, “The most ignorant of all people is the one who abandons the certitude he has for an opinion people have.”

Growing up I was usually the youngest cousin in my environment, and I was given opinions left and right about what to believe, what to seek, and how to perceive the world. Many times these ideas burdened me and made me feel worse about why I couldn’t derive happiness from them. As I grew older I realized that everyone is on a different and unique life path. Your path is special and different. Follow your own path with inward certainty, and wear a shield against the army of opinions that are coming your way.

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Existence of God by Imam Ali

Just Beautiful:

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Elevation is Excellence

The dumbing down of religion to simplistic and literal terms has brought on the likes of ISIS. The intellectual elevation of religion to metaphysical and spiritual terms has brought on the likes of Rumi, Attar, and more. May God preserve the elevators and elevate the simpletons.

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