A letter from a friend in Dubai…

“I am glad you are looking at this as a character building opportunity insha Allah (God-willing). Do not fret over something that you did not get, it was not written for you. At the end of the day it is all about whether you became a better person out of it or a worse person and if you become worse person then you are dealing with it entirely incorrectly and have to revamp your character traits and behavior. Life is about living for others and not for yourself.  In some areas of the West, you are taught to be self centered and selfish and you really do not grow out of it until you have your own kids, and for some people that is only when the kids are younger. Later on they morph back into their selfish, self centered selves. The key is to think about others before yourself or “serving the creation” combined with serving he Creator. You serve the creation because of love of Allah SWT and for the sake of Allah SWT, not expecting any reward from anyone but Allah SWT and that is what Allah SWT asks you: your selflessness. and this is a little secret in achieving spiritual height.  It is not just with adhkaar (remembrances) but with patience, sacrifice of your desires, your wishes, and sometimes your rights.”